Please review our Policies if you are interested in volunteering with our organization and then complete our Application form.
- Good communication is vital among the volunteers and employees as well as between our organization and the public. Volunteers are not to submit anything for publication via newspapers, radio, social media or email, etc. without first submitting it to the Board for approval.
- Volunteers are not to contact other rescue organizations regarding CPR’s business without the concurrence of the Board.
- In communicating with other volunteers about CPR business, everyone should be considerate and respectful, and if a volunteer has a disagreement or problem with another volunteer, they are to address it with that volunteer and that volunteer only. If a resolution is not reached, the issue should then be presented to the Board for a solution. Internal conflicts or problems are not to be broadcast outside of CPR.
- No one is to bring in a dog or puppy to our shelter or to a foster home without Shannon Elliott’s permission. No one is authorized to remove a dog or puppy from the shelter or foster home without Shannon’s permission.
- No one is to bring in a cat or kitten to our shelter or to a foster home. Intake is per June if space available. No one is to remove a cat or kitten from the shelter or foster home without June’s permission.
- Euthanasia is considered only as a last resort and when recommended by a veterinarian to end suffering when there is no chance of good quality of life. Euthanasia must then be authorized by a majority of Board members.
- Volunteers are not to commit or obligate CPR for any expenditures without permission from the Board. Any reimbursement to a volunteer must be approved prior to the volunteer’s expense, and if approved, a receipt must be submitted to our Treasurer before reimbursement can be made.
- When representing CPR, volunteers are to always conduct themselves in a manner that will in no way reflect badly on themselves as individuals or on CPR as an organization
Castoff Pet Rescue
1732 John Smith Road East, Blairsville, GA 30512
(706) 487-4539